Senin, 04 Januari 2016

Jalan-Jalan ke Australia Tidak Perlu Mahal, lho!

Kalau sudah bosan, salah satu hal yang saya buat adalah browsing facebook. Hari ini, mentok juga mata di profil seorang sahabat yang tinggal di Sydney, Australia. Lalu saya jadi ingat masa-masa menyenangkan di sana, jalan kaki dengan udara segar, tingkat kebisingan yang sangat rendah dibandingkan Jakarta, bangunan modern dan juga vintage. Itu semua bikin saya pengen balik lagi ke Australia.

Yes, I’m one of those lucky people who had set foot on this beautiful continent. Selain Sydney, pernah juga mampir ke Canberra dan Darwin. Oh ya, Snowy Mountains juga.

Sayang, belum pernah nih datang ke Gold Coast. Makanya, waktu seorang teman mengajak saya datang ke blogger gathering yang dibuat oleh Female Daily di kantornya dengan isu wisata ke Queensland, saya langsung bilang, “Ayo!!” 

Ternyata pagi itu semua yang hadir dikasih bermacam info soal travel di Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. Asyiknya juga, bukan hanya perwakilan dari Australia Toursim yang bicara, tapi juga dari Dwidaya Tour. Pantas saja, tagar yang dimainkan adalah #DwidayaVisitQueensland dan #DwidayaXFD. 

Ya deh, angkat topi sama yang satu ini. Nggak percaya? Ada satu hal yang paling penting yang mungkin hanya Dwidaya Tour yang bisa bilang: 

Travel ke Australia itu nggak perlu mahal lho!”

WHATT?? Gimana caranya? Nih, saya share sedikit infonya ya…

Jadi, Dwidaya Tour ternyata punya beberapa paket seru yang bisa bikin kita jalan-jalan dengan budget yang masuk akal:

1. Flexi Holiday
Susah cuti kayak saya? Uang juga terbatas? Yuk kita bareng-bareng ke Gold Coast pake paket yang satu ini. Dengan biaya hanya Rp. 5.320.000 saja, kita bisa datang ke Gold Coast, Australia, selama lima hari empat malam, sudah termasuk sarapan lho!

Selain menikmati keindahan kota, kesegaran udara, dan shopping seru a la Australia, kita juga bisa datang ke Movie World, Dream World, dan Paradise Country Farm Tour.

Oh ya, masih gagap soal Australia? Takut sampai di airport lantas bingung? Jangan khawatir, airport transfer juga sudah termasuk biaya paket lho…

2. Costsaver Holiday
Paket yang satu ini disediakan untuk kita yang punya lebih banyak waktu untuk jalan-jalan. Ada berbagai pilihan paket dari tujuh hingga sembilan hari.

Tidak hanya akan jalan-jalan di daratan, dengan mengambil paket ini, kita juga bisa menikmati keindahan laut Australia. Kita bahkan akan diajak jalan-jalan ke berbagai kota, bergantung pilihan paket kita.

Ada yang mengajak kita ke Sydney dan Gold Coast, ada yang menawarkan liburan ke Sydney, Gold Coast, Brisbane, dan Melbourne. Bahkan, ada juga yang menawarkan jalan-jalan ke Sydney, Cairns, Kuranda, Brisbane, Tangalooma, Gold Coast, dan Great Barrier Reef.

AAAHHH… itu satu tempat yang sangat sangat sangat ingin saya kunjungi: Great Barrier Reef. Sebagai seorang rookie diver, saya selalu ingin mengunjungi tempat-tempat diving yang super keren. Nah, Great Barrier Reef sudah dinobatkan menjadi salah satu tempat diving wajib kunjung lho! Bahkan, tempat ini menjadi salah satu destinasi wisata terbaik di dunia. 

Great Barrier Reef

Gimana nggak? Panjangnya saja hingga 2.300 km, dan merupakan salah satu tempat terumbu karang terluas di dunia. Tempat ini bahkan bisa dikeceng dari luar angkasa, dan tentunya biota laut yang mengisinya luar bisa banyak jenis.

Ah, sudahlah, saya jadi ngiler ingin segera diving ke sana.

Yuk, kita terusin ngobrol soal paket yang ditawarkan. Ada satu lagi nih yang menarik:

3. Premier Holiday
Ini udah paling bener barangkali ya. Dwidaya Tour saja sudah bilang, “We guarantee you the most unforgetable experience in Australia.” Kebayang gak? :D

Yah… gimana nggak seru? Yang ikut paket ini bisa ngerasain sederetan kegiatan menakjubkan selama delapan hari: Penguin Plus dan naik helikopter keliling pulau Philip, makan di Hard Rock Café, naik Hot Air Balloon di Gold Coast (WOW!!!), AmazeNThings di pulau Philip juga, mendapatkan pengalaman wine tasting, Glow Worm Cave Tour, Sydney Sea Plane, tur di Opera House-Sydney, menonton lumba-lumpa di Port Stephens dan makan malam (romantis? Ya bergantung sama siapa sih hehehe) di Sydney Tower. 

Hot Air Ballooning, salah satu atraksi yang bisa didapat dengan mengikuti Premier Holiday dari Dwidaya Tour
Ngebacanya aja sudah bikin super penasaran kan… Makanya cepat-cepat lihat website Dwidaya Tour di atau telepon 24 hour service di +6221-6220-3838. 

Eh, sebentar… belum selesai nih infonya.

Ada satu produk yang juga super menarik untuk dicermati: iVenture Card. Ini semacam kartu pintar yang bisa membantu kita mendapatkan atraksi seru di Australia dengan harga miring. Psstt….bisa diskon hingga 50% lho!!! 

Istilahnya sih, ini combo attraction pass card, jadi kita bisa pilih sendiri atraksi terbaik mana yang ingin kita ikuti. Value for money deh pokoknya. Selain itu, kita juga akan dapat prioritas masuk tempat atraksi, dan paketnya fleksibel kok.

Waktu saya mendengarkan semua penjelasan, rasanya betul-betul ingin segera kabur untuk packing dan berangkat. Sayang, saya masih harus menabung dulu untuk bisa jalan-jalan. Yah well, at least nanti kalau dana sudah terkumpul, saya tidak perlu terlalu sibuk lagi mikir mau ke mana dan bagaimana caranya (maklum, tidak punya keluarga di Gold Coast, jadi sama aja, bisa nyasar kalau sendirian di sana).

Saya sudah tahu bisa kontak Dwidaya tour yang punya 24 hour service dan sudah ada lebih dari 70 cabang di Indonesia. Asoy kaan…

Eh, tapi… sebetulnya kalau saya mau mendadak pergi, masih bisa sih! Kan Dwidaya Tour sudah kerja sama dengan bank-bank skala nasional maupun internasional sehingga kita bisa mencicil biaya. Jangan sedih… termasuk cicilan 0% untuk 6-12 bulan! Menyenangkan bukan…

Aduh! Besok sepertinya sudah harus mengisi formulir cuti lagi nih. #ngimpi

Well, salah satu resolusi tahun baru saya adalah diving di dua tempat yang belum pernah saya datangi. Akan sangat bahagia kalau salah satunya adalah Great Barrier Reef.

Yang pasti, kalau jalan-jalan di Australia pada umumnya, bukan hanya hal-hal yang tadi saya sebutkan di atas yang bisa kita nikmati.

Memberi makan lumba-lumba liar di Tanglooma Island Resort
Di Queensland misalnya, kalau mau bawa keluarga dan anak kecil, kita bisa ke berbagai  theme parks, ke O’Reily’s Rainforest alias hutan yang cantik dengan hewan-hewan menarik, bisa juga peluk koala di Currumbin Wildlife. Oh ya, bisa juga kunjungi Tanglooma, dan rasakan sensasi memberi makan lumba-lumba.

Buat yang tidak bisa hidup tanpa tongsis, silakan kunjungi berbagai tempat yang penuh dengan Street Art di Australia. Bisa pilih: Fortitude Valley, Paddington, ataupun di kota. 

Salah satu Street Art di Fortitude Valley, Brisbane

Yang hobi belanja? Nggak usah ditanya deh… Di Queensland ada banyak sekali lokasi belanja, mulai dari yang super mahal sampai yang super murah: Robina, Harbourtown, Pacific Fair, atau semacam pasar kaget di sisi pantai setiap hari Rabu, Jumat dan Minggu. Jadi, bisa jalan-jalan cantik sambil menghirup udara laut… uuuh…. menyenangkan :).

Ah, masih banyak sekali tempat seru yang perlu dikhayalkan nih. Tapi, mudah-mudahan bukan hanya khalayan ya… Tinggal browsing, pilih-pilih paket, ajak teman perjalanan yang menyenangkan, isi formulir cuti (penting ini…), dan… cuss deh!!

Ikut? :) 

Minggu, 19 April 2015

4 Best Ways to Spend Your Weekend

1. Just play lazy

You worked extra hard these 4 weeks. Your weekend seemed to never arrive. Finally, here's a weekend where there's nothing that you HAVE TO do.

Stay home. Don't shower. Order your favorite food. There's gojek now, right? Don't go anywhere. 

Wish I can sleep like her

Just sleep, sleep like a baby. 

Wake up, drink some water, and get some more sleep. Bored with sleeping?  Watch some TV, read some books, listen to some music. 

This time, no exercise!

If you're tired of being alone, call your best friends and have them over! Order some more food, and just have fun. 

Don't worry about your messy house, or that pile of laundry, nor the dishes for that matter. There's another weekend when you can clean up and take care of your apartment. 

2. Fun! Fun! Fun!  

Again, please do sleep as long as possible. When you're tired of sleeping, move on to the sofa and put on some TV, or watch something on youtube. You have that awesome smart TV connected to the Internet, right? 

Don't cook. Just order some pizza. Ignore your diet.

Take a nap after those big slices of pizza. 

In the afternoon, go downstairs, hit the pool and swim. Don't forget to bring that book you never finished reading. After some strokes, you can sit by the pool and read. Enjoy the breeze! 
I'm always happy whenever I can swim here. The water is soooo nice! 
At nighttime, play some music with your band at Q's Smokehouse, Setiabudhi building area. By the way, to get more info of an awesome band who really plays at the restaurant mentioned above, please like ;). 

The next morning, get up a bit earlier and go to church. After that, relax with your sister and best friends at Authentique French Bakery, Kemang area. Stay there until 3 pm. 

Go home. Call some friends, invite them over to have dinner. Make sure they bring beers that no longer available at the mini-market downstairs. 

Take a quick shower and put on your t-shirt and shorts. No make up. It's still weekend. 

Make some spaghetti and salad for dinner. It’s easy and won’t take much time. End the night with laugher, cold beers, and warm conversation. 

You are ready to enter another busy week. 

3. An effective one

You just broke up. Work has been crazy. You’re totally depressed. One thing to do: clean up your apartment!

According to cleaning up might help with depression. Seriously! Check number 34.

Here's how it’s done:

Don't wake up too early you still need rest. After breakfast, clean up your place as usual, and wash those clothes. 

After it all looks clean, take that meter out of your drawer, and start measuring. You need to buy a new rug because the existing one is too small.
I really want this big rug, exactly this one!

Go to Ikea or Informa, which ever closest to your place, and which ever is having the biggest discount! Find that greyish big rug you’ve always wanted. Take a look around, maybe you want to buy yourself a new set of bedding. Treat yourself; you know you deserve it.

Before you go home, stop by that coffee shop. Reward yourself with a big slice of cheesecake and a cup of coffee.

Treating yourself is also on the metanoia list, check number 17 *excuse, excuse, excuse. Girls!*

The next day, after church, go visit your family. You might break up with a boyfriend, but you can’t break up with family. Buy your nieces and nephews some ice cream. They’ll thank you and you’d feel appreciated. They'd hug you and give you kisses. You’ll have some fun and forget about your depression.

4. Adventurous weekend

You just got your diving license. You’re planning a trip to the ultimate diving spot: Raja Ampat, Papua. You need at least 30 dives before the trip (50 is more advisable).

Call up your instructor a few weeks before. Ask if he’s having a trip on your chosen weekend. If he’s not, call up your diver friends and arrange a trip.

Pack up your diving gears. Don’t forget that deck of cards! You need them to play with your friends at night.

Take enough rest a night before the trip.

Get up around 5.30 am. Take a quick shower, the taxi would be waiting already. Go to Ancol, dock 17. You need to arrive around 07.00 am to meet your friends. Off you go to Pramuka Island. It's affordable, and as long as the visibility is good, you'd enjoy the experience. 

Dive! See all the beautiful creatures living underwater. Move slowly, embrace every moment. It's not every weekend you could do it. Have your friends to take pictures of you underwater (so you can put them on facebook and path). Have fun, and more fun, and extra fun.

This one is really me. 

The next day, after two dives, at 03.00 pm, sit at the back of the speedboat. Go back to Ancol, Jakarta.

At home, clean up your gears and take a warm shower. Eat some salad before you hit the bed. It’s been tiring, you really need a good rest to face a new week ahead.

Jumat, 06 Maret 2015

My Teacher, My Idol, My Mom

Sonja Francisca Matindas
She was born in the jungle. Not in some remote location, but in the Jatinegera area of East Jakarta, back when trees still dominated the landscape. She was a strong, smart, talented woman. Sonja Francisca Matindas. She was my mom.

She had sparkling hazel eyes, a slim body, and long brown hair down to her knees. Her pointed nose, thin lips, and fair skin accentuated her beauty. My mom was a catch. I always smile whenever someone who knew her tells me I look just like her.

The word “tired” was not in her dictionary. She was always doing something. As a girl, she cycled all around Bandung. She was a member of a fencing team. Her greatest passion was reading. I believed we too (her seven children) were her passion. One more thing: she was a knife thrower!

My Opa in the middle.
Guess my mom learned fencing from him.
Wish I have the one with my mom fencing!

My uncle Billy, who was prone to telling tall tales, told us about a burglary that occurred when my mom was about 18 years old. Everyone was asleep one night at the house in Salemba (now the National Library) when a burglar broke in through a window. He chose the wrong window. It was my mom’s room.

She woke up, grabbed a knife (it wasn’t clear why she had a knife in her room), and threw it at the intruder. It lodged in the wall, right between his legs. He screamed. My grandpa, who was in the Army, came in with his rifle, cocked it, berated the burglar and sent him fleeing. I bet he was frightened to death.

After that, no one ever tried to rob the house again.  The fact that there was a knife-throwing young woman in the house seemed to give it an aura of protection.

My mom planned to become a doctor but she never graduated from med school. She fell in love with my dad and decided to get married. She gave up her education, her chance to compete for Indonesia in fencing at the 1964 Olympics and everything else to dedicate her life to her family. She became a stay-at-home mom from the birth of my eldest brother in 1964 until my youngest sister’s graduation from elementary school in 1990.
Mama & Papa
Despite being “just a housewife”, she was a fount of all knowledge. I am not surprised, considering all the books she read and the many translation projects she worked on in her spare time. There were translations for doctors, lawyers, engineers. Her work covered political, economic and social issues.

Another thing about my mom: she was a walking dictionary. When my sister and I were kids, we would sit in the living room, watching American TV shows that had no subtitles. Mom would translate every conversation with intonation, drama and even some gestures, moving my sister and I to laughter, fear and tears.

My mom adored reading. My dad built a little library for her books on the third floor of our house in Bandung. She collected encyclopedias, magazines, novels, poetry books, biographies, and history books. One of her favorite authors was Rudyard Kipling (my eldest brother's name is Philemon Rudyard). Yes, she loved poems and wrote many herself. One of her last was written as she lay ailing in an apartment in Singapore, waiting for another chemotherapy session.

Let me share with you her final poem:

Rejoice With Life!
Grab hold of life with
both your hands
And hold it high up toward heaven!
Now try to feel it,
Try to taste it,
As it flow into your conscious body
Feel ev’ry cell
as it thrills to life.

She was very sick when she wrote this. Despite her illness, she still encouraged her children, her husband, and her friends to be happy and make the most of life.

My mom was a hard-headed woman but she had the heart of an angel. She taught me how to live my life with joy. Like a little girl who adores a beautiful movie star, I adore my mom. She was and still is my idol.

Makassar, 1959.

Matindas Family. You see my mom?

Senin, 29 Desember 2014

Have You Counted Your Blessings?

I’ve been feeling really, very, truly low lately. I know I need to do something to boost up my mood.


“Ok. I know what to do! I’m going to count my blessings this year.”

Thanks to Facebook and Path, I can recall some of the most influencing experiences I had throughout this year. Let’s see…

February 9th 2014. No longer an artist, I never thought my profile would pop up on Kompas, the leading newspaper in Indonesia. Having a break from a meeting to hold a charity concert "from Guitarists for Indonesia", I happened to had a little talk with a journalist from Kompas. He asked why I chose guitar as my instrument. "Why not? Music has nothing to do with gender." Apparently, he was impressed. That Sunday, there's an ugly big picture of me with an article about music and gender :D. 

dari Gitaris untuk Indonesia Charity Concert

I played with cool musicians for the charity concert: Kin, Denny Chasmala, Qoqo SHE, Eros, Taraz, etc. With another 46 guitarists plus many musicians who gave out their energy and talent without any payment, in less than three hours, we collected more than 1,7 billion rupiahs. Recently I heard a school in Manado, North Sulawesi was rebuilt using the money. This happened on February 12th 2014 at Bentara Budaya Jakarta, Palmerah.

I always work like a horse. I always got very tired. I usually look like a zombie. On March 30th, my sister’s family invited me to join a trip to Puncak, together with my dad. We ate, and sang songs with the hotel’s homeband, and had good laughs. At night, I slept like a baby. The next day, my sister told me I looked like a human being J.

May is the month when my musical journey begins again… FiA, a kind and cute female musician, invited me to sing at "Singer-Songwriter" showcase. She managed the whole thing! 

I sang a few songs, my sister, Leony, came and helped me sing too. My friends from the office also came, plus some friends. I had a good fun, although I got cold feet. I could hear trembling voice came out of my mouth… 

June 22nd 2014 was one of the happiest days of my life. It was my best friends’ wedding. Yes, two of my best friends got married, Claudia Lengkey and Simhala Avadana. I love them both dearly. They are one of those couples who “did it”. They’ve been together forever, they’ve been through A LOT, and they finally tide the knot. (Wish I could be that lucky…). They’re best friends, they’re in love, they’re meant to be. 
Mhala & Odit 

Also on June 2014, I had to let my one and only team I got at the office go. Her name was Inneke. I believe she loved me. She did everything she could to make me look good in front of the bosses. I remember her saying, “Before I leave, I will make a complete report on everything we did so far. You need it! You need to show the bosses what YOU achieved.”

I don’t know if I would ever find a team-mate like her again; a person who works hard to make her boss look good so this person can get a promotion. She often went home later than I, worked extremely hard, and never take credit for herself.
farewell night

Losing her probably was the saddest thing happened to me in my “office life”.  I had to work alone for more than 6 weeks, before I got a new team member.

July 6th 2014. KompasTV held the last (and in my opinion was the best) debate prior to Indonesia’s Presidential Election. We ran the debate for President and Vice President candidates. It went very well, at least that’s what our audiences told us.

On July 22nd 2014, Indonesia got new President and Vice President. Congratulations Mr. Jokowi and Mr. Jusuf Kalla! I was so tired with political condition that’s been going on in Indonesia. Having new President and Vice President gave me (and all Indonesians) new hope.

Whenever I have time, I would go to Q’s Smokehouse at Setiabudhi Building on Saturday night to see my sister’s performance with this cool band: Weekend Rockstars. Yes, they’re rock-stars during weekends only. On this special night, we’re celebrating my sister’s birthday. There were some friends and family attending. My sister looked so happy. So, I was so happy too. You don’t believe me? See picture below J. It was a lovely Saturday night on August 2014.
Leon's birthday at Q's Smokehouse Setiabudhi Building
 Another blessing I got on August: a new team member. Her name is Niken. She’s beautiful, she’s experienced, and she’s funny. A day after she joined our office, I called in sick. I suddenly got a high fever. At last my body ordered me to have some rest. My body wanted me to be sick.

I joined “Write This Way” (WTW) writing workshop held by the Jakarta Post in September. Yes, thanks to my mentors and my fellow trainees, now I have the guts to write in English J. I always waited impatiently to join the workshops. 

I spent hours writing my assignments. I knew I got better and better. We all had good laughs, shed some tears, and smiled in awe reading our friends’ writings. Ah… I miss my friends there.

October 2014 probably was the hardest month for me. I won some and I lose some.

Let’s talk about what I “won”.
Write This Way 6's Team

I graduated from 
the “Write This Way” workshop. #YEAY!!!

One “funny” day, my boss called me into his office and told me to hold a short movie festival (later we call it Indonesia Short Movie Festival or FFPI). We would have to announce the winners in three weeks, on the main stage of Indonesia Broadcasting Expo (IBX).

IBX is the biggest broadcasting exhibition in Indonesia. All the “big” tv stations would have their own “main attraction” on the “main stage”. Ours would be the announcement of FFPI.

It was an impossible mission. I did a little research on how long a short movie festival usually being prepared. “Okay, most of short movie festivals would have 5-6 months of preparation.”

I begged my boss to let this challenge passed me. I couldn’t hold my tears. I felt angry. I have NEVER managed a short movie festival before. How could I do it only in three weeks time?

But we had to manage, my team and I. We all worked like horses. We didn’t care how many hours we need to work, we just knew we had to make it. Our target was: 30 participants/movies.

Thank God for my team's hard work...
Praise the Lord. I thank God for my team’s hard work.

We had 80 movies participated. We had the Mayor of Bandung, Ridwan Kamil, an architect, designed the FFPI’s trophy. We had him to be one of the judges to help decide the winners of FFPI. We had him come to IBX only to present the trophy to all winners and to give speech about FFPI.

Along with that, my boss sent me to be a secretary of IBX, as a representative of my office. I am not good with administrative work, and yet, I was the secretary for IBX. Perfect!! It was a big torture for me. It was. But now, I laughed every time I remember it.

I lost my voice for about 10 days during IBX and its preparation. I had fevers but didn’t have time to rest. After IBX, with no medications at all, I got well. I still don’t understand why.

Right before IBX, together with three other female musicians, I organized “Sisterhoodgigs”, premiered on October 28th 2014 at The Factory Studio & Café, South of Jakarta. Our goal was to provide a stage for female musicians where they (read: we) do not need to worry about how they look like on stage, which we believe is a stigma that girls need to look pretty and wear certain make up and pretty shoes on stage. Music is all that counts.

We had tons of fun.

But this month, I also experienced lost.

I lost a companion. It is not easy to let go something that already became a pattern to your life. It was a struggle. It still is.

This probably led me to insomnia. Until a week ago, I could not sleep more than 4 hours a day. I would fall asleep around 2 or 3 am, and I’d wake up at 6 am. It’s so disturbing. (Thank God for Internet, I could browse and chat and do all things, timeless).

I couldn’t think straight (well, lots of my friends say I have never think straight anyway!! Lol). I always felt tired. I had no appetite too. It all started on October.

But, hey, it’s November’s turn now! It’s a new month! Let’s see if I find a little bit of new happiness J.

Apparently, I did! I figured I wanted to try something new. Why? To keep myself busy, not only with office work. I need to go places, see new things, meet new friends. What’s better to do than learning how to DIVE?

(at the back is the boatman, on the front is another, taking our picture)

And so I did. It was so fun I almost forgot to take pictures during my certification test on Pramuka Island. I only got a few. But still, I got comments on facebook because I looked TOO happy. Diving gave me new world, the under water world, a new place to go since I’ve never been to Pramuka Island, and new friends which are still keeping in touch with me. J

December. A month of peace and joy. Well, usually! This December is a mess…

I had six events in a week. Two movie gatherings, two press conferences, one media gathering, and one Sisterhoodgigs Acoustic Session #3 event, while taking care of sending hundreds of greeting cards to our stakeholders.

Niken, (she’s one of my teammates, remember?) was able to be the PIC of the media gathering. Ojik, our newest team member, managed the greeting cards. I barely did anything, I did only what I supposed to do: supervise.

So, I only had a few more events to handle. Of course, I didn’t handle them alone. With office work, I got help from Niken, Ojik, and Ajeng who is our intern. We worked hand in hand. I am so grateful to have teammates like them. Although sad to say, not one of those events was a big success.

On Sisterhoodgigs Acoustic Session #3, I had an opportunity to sing four songs. I was so happy because Mas Endy, the senior editor of the Jakarta Post and also one of my mentors at WTW, came to see my performance. I hit the stage with my sister, Leony, accompanied by my friends: Arnie, Adisty, and Dyah.
musicians involved on Sisterhoodgigs Acoustic Session #3
Spirit of Giving
All of the musicians involved were very happy. We managed to collect some money for a foundation that is taking care of some children with Cerebral Palsy decease. Even though it’s not much, we’re happy because we did it out of our hearts.

You may wonder why I didn’t only write about the fun and positive stuff, but also sad ones. Well, I am also grateful for all those “unfortunate” events happened to me.


Simple. They made me grew stronger.

me and my best friends.
if we happen to have some extra time, we do meet

lovely time with a lovely family
Yogya Trip, February 2014
the one with Michelle at Candi Boko
Grease @Marina Bay Sands, Singapore
I did sing in two concerts this year!!!
University Padjadjaran's Choir (Alumni)

Now, I am feeling much better. Listing down some of my blessings worked for me. Have you counted your blessings this year?

Happy New Year!! God bless us all.